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Dominant or Submissive? Discovering Your True BDSM Identity Aug 05, 2023

Welcome to the enchanting world of BDSM, where power dynamics and desire intertwine in a dance of passion and exploration. In this article, we'll embark on a comprehensive journey of self-discovery to uncover your true BDSM identity. Like exploring a treasure map, we'll navigate the exhilarating...

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Erotic Breath Play Games to Try in Bed Jan 05, 2023

Allowing your lover to restrict your airflow causes one to hand over a tremendous amount of power to someone else.  It is vitally important to trust your partner who you decide to engage with in breath play.

Giving up that power is what makes breath play so exciting, engaging, and a huge...

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6 BDSM Role-Play Scenes for a Femdom and Submissive Man Dec 21, 2022

In order for a woman to take on a femdom role over her man she must take complete control of power over him, especially as it pertains to the bedroom.  She claims authority and dominance over a submissive man who is wanting that power to be taken from him. 

While some couples choose to...

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How to be a Femme Fatale in the Bedroom Nov 26, 2022

The term femme fatale strikes up different images and ideas for different people.  Commonalities of seductive, dangerous, and beautiful women seem to be shared by most when someone mentions the word femme fatale.  While some men might envision a slender dominatrix wearing tight leather...

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DDLG Role-Play Ideas Nov 09, 2022

DDLG is a type of BDSM play that involves a clear dominant role and submissive role within a couple.  The phrase DDLG stands for “Daddy Dom, Little Girl”, encompassing a caregiver who usually takes on a dominant role, and an immature childish persona who usually takes on the...

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Combining Impact Play with Cosplay in the Bedroom Oct 23, 2022

Impact play is a form of BDSM that involves hitting your partner, or being hit by your partner, as a way of seductive foreplay.  Usually partners will partake in impact play because one or both of them are turned on by sadism or masochism.  Sadism is the tendency to derive sexual...

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KinkSports Ultra-Competitive Sep 12, 2022

The highest and most extreme level of intensity in KinkSports is Kink Ultra-Competitive.  This level won’t be for all - or even most – couples.  Some might decide to take it to the Ultra-Competitive intensity level on occasion when a major dispute between lovers needs to be...

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